A human-centered
healthcare app.

A human- centered
healthcare app.


Senior User Experience Designer

The role

I worked with the founder of Aleris X (now Doktor24 and Platform24) to lead the initial design and concept work. Our goal was to transform patient triage and enable patients to easily access digital consultations or appointments at any Aleris medical health center.

The role

I worked with the founder of Aleris X (now Doktor24 and Platform24) to lead the initial design and concept work. Our goal was to transform patient triage and enable patients to easily access digital consultations or appointments at any Aleris medical health center.

The role

I worked with the founder of Aleris X (now Doktor24 and Platform24) to lead the initial design and concept work. Our goal was to transform patient triage and enable patients to easily access digital consultations or appointments at any Aleris medical health center.



Digital or Health Center


Preventive care




Waiting times


Doctor consultations


Health Centers

Streamline the
workflow of doctors

Streamline the
workflow of doctors


Prototyping the patient and doctor experience


Quality care

Our triage flow offered patients faster care and reduced waiting times by guiding them to self-care instructions, chat/video consultations with doctors, or scheduling in-person appointments at nearby healthcare centers.

Quality care

Our triage flow offered patients faster care and reduced waiting times by guiding them to self-care instructions, chat/video consultations with doctors, or scheduling in-person appointments at nearby healthcare centers.

Reduced workload

Provding self care instructions, chat or video meetings with doctors helped to alleviate the demand on physical health centers and distribute the workload more evenly between digital and in person care.

Reduced workload

Provding self care instructions, chat or video meetings with doctors helped to alleviate the demand on physical health centers and distribute the workload more evenly between digital and in person care.


Visiting physical health centers gave us a better understanding of doctors' current workflow and needs. Whether meeting with a patient digitally or in person, we were able to learn how to build a better tool that can reduce time spent on administration and allow more time for patients.


Visiting physical health centers gave us a better understanding of doctors' current workflow and needs. Whether meeting with a patient digitally or in person, we were able to learn how to build a better tool that can reduce time spent on administration and allow more time for patients.


We established a clear vision from the start, which helped us stay on track during the first phase. Our goal was to enable patients to connect with doctors on their own terms and reduce the burden on healthcare centers. Our ultimate vision was to develop a platform based on personal health data that could be monitored and tracked in real-time. This would allow us to offer more preventive care and play an important role in creating a healthier world.

Prototyping the onboarding and appointment experience
